Patient Stories

Getting It Back – Christine’s Story

Stomach/Abdomen (Abdominoplasty)

Two Caesarean sections had left Christine’s stomach protruding. “Even though I work out a lot I cannot get rid of that bulge. Not even a trillion sit-ups help,” says Christine.  She thought about having a ‘tummy’ repair done after the birth of her last child.  When she was told that she needed a hysterectomy, it was the perfect opportunity to consult a plastic surgeon about an abdominoplasty.  She says the scar is hardly noticeable, very low on the hipline and only about pencil width.

Christine feels great about her decision.  “I’m so happy that I can finally tuck my shirts in again. I feel a lot more confident now,” she says.  Of course you don’t stop working out or taking care of yourself. Christine is grateful for Dr. Fishman. 

“He was kind and gave me all of the information I needed to make a good decision.” 

She received positive support from the entire staff before and after her surgery.

Change Your Personality – Linda’s Story

Breasts (Augmentation)

“I was always small-breasted,” Linda said, “After having four kids my breast size actually decreased to a 32-A.”  She knew she wanted to have a breast augmentation and after her last child was born she made plans.  Linda was tired of having clothes that fit everywhere else but looked saggy and baggy at the chest.  “I wanted to be able to fill them out properly, to wear tank tops and round-necked dresses,” she said.

Her husband and mother were both supportive of her decision.  She was confident that her doctor  would give her implants that would match her body frame.

“He is a very knowledgeable man and I am totally comfortable with him.” 

The procedure took two hours.  Linda needed pain medication for the first few days.  By the end of the second week, she was able to move about well. “Putting your arms up to do your hair does cause some aching, as if you’ve been working out too hard,” she said, “You just work through it.”

A girlfriend Linda hadn’t seen in many years told her she seemed like a completely different person. “I had been very withdrawn,” she said, “After this, with my husband’s support, I feel a lot better about myself.”

Anita’s Story

Eyelids (Blepharoplasty)

“I didn’t want to look like my mother when I’m 65,” says Anita.  She knew that people tend to age around the eyes.  With age the field of vision can become so restricted that the ability to see is affected.  At this point in her life Anita was more concerned about her appearance.

At barely 50, Anita could see where heredity was taking her. Looking a lot like her mother meant she would undoubtedly inherit her mother’s drooping eyelids. She wanted a more youthful look so she researched a simple procedure, blepharoplasty.  Anita explains, “The surgeon takes out a wedge of skin on the upper eyelid to remove bagginess, puffiness and overhang.  On the lower lid there are fat pads that aren’t so much baggy as puffy.  Here the surgeon makes a little incision and simply removes a portion of the tissue.  As with any surgery there is bruising and swelling, but normally within 10-14 days the stitches are out and you are back to work.”

The best way to prepare for any surgery is to bring your questions with you to your consultation visit. You will receive printed information and have the opportunity to have all of your questions answered.  Dr. Fishman is board certified and always explains the risks and benefits of the procedure.  Women and more and more men are increasingly choosing to take this reatively simple and affordable step to looking more youthful.

Facing the Future with Confidence – Barbara’s Story

(Brow Lift)

A young woman only in her 40’s, Barbara suddenly found herself a widow.  When she looked in the mirror she felt her troubles showed on her face.  “My forehead was wrinkled and my eyes were drooping,” says Barbara.  She wanted to look less tired and weary and felt it was time to get on with her life.

“Even though I was nervous and scared, I knew the positive change would be worth it,” says Barbara.  Dr. Fishman explained her options. One approach to a brow lift leaves the scar hidden in the hair.  The endoscopic approach has a series of small incisions at the hairline.  These are options you will discuss at your consultation visit.

“I have absolutely no regrets,” says Barbara. 

Five years later she says she is still reaping the benefits of looking younger without any deep lines.  The procedure really gave me a boost and helped me get back into the dating scene.  People think I get BOTOX® injections,” says Barbara. She couldn’t be happier with the results.

Doctor’s Note: BOTOX® injections are a helpful substitute for or adjunct to surgery. People may want a temporary fix for that special occasion or they may not have the time to recuperate.