Feel Brand New With Micro-Needling

Struggling with acne scarring on the face, body, back, chest or neck? Looking for an anti-aging procedure to help rejuvenate your skin? Micro-needling may be the perfect treatment you for.

For those looking to reduce the appearance of formerly picked-at blemished or acne scars and improve overall skin texture, micro-needling is a minimally invasive procedure with little downtime. By puncturing the skin with tiny needles, the body’s natural reaction is to produce new collagen and elastin, which improves skin texture and complexion and can greatly reduce the appearance of scars, pores and fine wrinkles. Micro-needling is also one of the best treatments available for skin rejuvenation when coupled with anti-aging serums, as the punctures create micro-channels in the skin and allows anti-aging products to better penetrate the skin.

At our practice, our expert aestheticians have help countless patients reduce acne scarring, wrinkles and blemishes with micro-needling. If you think you’d be a good candidate for the treatment, read on to learn more about the procedure and what results you can expect.

Micro-needling is a procedure that involves rolling over the skin with a special device with tiny needles rooted in it. The needles repeatedly create small punctures in the skin that are up to 3 millimeters deep, essentially creating a controlled skin injury.

These punctures trigger the body to produce collagen and elastin and effectively reduce the appearance of acne scarring or hypotrophic scars. The skin’s repair process also improves overall texture and tone and helps to soften the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. When micro-needling is coupled with anti-aging products, the punctures allow anti-aging ingredients to better absorb into the skin, making the treatment a great option for skin rejuvenation as well.

Some devices like Dermarollers are rolled around the face with manual movement, while motorized devices like Dermapens and Dermastamps have motor-powered needles that repeatedly pierce small holes into the skin. At our practice, our expert aestheticians have ample experience working with Dermapens to provide great results.

If you’re considering using Dermarollers at home, please know that there is a risk of infection, irritation and pain. For those reasons, we always recommend working with licensed aestheticians for dramatically better results and increased safety. If you do treat yourself with an at-home micro-needling kit, we advise exercising caution, using shallow needles and giving ample time between treatments.

Micro-needling is a relatively easy treatment in that there is almost no downtime after the procedure. Though the full results of the treatment can take up to a few months to take effect, recipients of micro-needling can expect to see a gradual improvement with wrinkles and scars as soon as one to two weeks after the first treatment.

While micro-needling isn’t a treatment that needs to be repeated often, individuals using the procedure to handle severe scarring or blemishes may need to schedule multiple treatments. Micro-needling can be done as infrequently as one a year, twice a year or quarterly, but for those with significant scarring, our aestheticians typically recommend three treatments one month apart for great results.

If you have active acne, it’s important to know that micro-needling is not a great option for you. The procedure can spread bacteria and worsen acne if it is administered when breakouts are active.

If you’re interested in learning more about how micro-needling can help with acne scarring, hypotrophic scars, fine lines or wrinkles, contact our practice to schedule a comprehensive skin care consultation. We’ll evaluate your skin tone, complexion and any unique issues and problem areas, and will provide a list of recommendations to help you feel comfortable in your own skin.

There’s also no better time to call than now if you think micro-needling would be a great treatment for you!  If you’re struggling with scarring or interested in rejuvenating your skin, contact us today.