Look as Young as You Feel with a Face/Neck Lift!

The reasons why men and women choose face lift surgery are as unique as the individuals themselves. Some people may say they look older than they feel, while others simply desire the boost in self-confidence that comes with facial rejuvenation. Whatever the motivation, many men and women choose to re-energize their personal and professional lives with a face lift.

The Face/Neck Lift Procedure

During a face/neck lift, the surgeon places an incision around the ears to tighten the underlying tissue and remove excess skin. He or she takes great care to place the incision in a discreet position so that any scarring is effectively concealed. To plump wrinkles for a natural, healthy appearance, the surgeon may also recommend a technique called “fat grafting,” which uses a patient’s own body fat as a natural, living filler. Fat has other benefits and is typically longer lasting than traditional filler.

Benefits of a Face/Neck Lift

A face/neck lift targets sagging skin of the cheeks, jaw line and neck; when performed by a skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon, can:

  • Lift the cheeks
  • Re-sculpt the fat of the face and neck
  • Reduce jowls
  • Tighten neck skin

Making a Decision

Once a patient has decided the procedure is right for them, it’s critical to select a surgeon they can trust. It’s important to take into consideration the surgeon’s experience in performing face lifts and ask about his or her board certifications. Dr. Fishman has a reputation for exceptional skill and artistry, as well as the necessary board certifications. View Dr. Fishman’s biography to learn more about his training and credentials.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the best candidate for a face/neck lift?

Most candidates range in age from 40 to 80. Women and men with sagging cheeks, jowls and neck are great candidates.

How long is the recovery period?

It is normal to have some bruising and swelling after surgery. This will subside after two to three weeks. Keep in mind that patients heal at different rates. Please plan on restricted activity for two weeks. After that time, you can plan on gradual resumption of normal activity.

When will I start to see results?

Results are noticeable soon after surgery, but patients will enjoy the full benefit of their new youthful appearance within three months. A face lift cannot stop the natural aging process, but it can erase ten years from a person’s appearance.

How long does a face/neck lift last?

Results are natural looking and long lasting. To maximize the longevity of the re-energized look, Dr. Fishman encourages patients to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Suggestions include eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, liberally using sunscreen, limiting alcohol consumption and taking advantage of the many anti-aging products sold in our office.

Ready to set up a consultation? Give our office a call today at (248) 643-7374 to get started! We are also happy to mail information if you wish. We promise to transform your hopes into reality with excellence.