Trending Now: Preventative Botox. Should You Get It?

One of the newest trends in minimally invasive procedures is to begin Botox treatment at a younger age to prevent the “wrinkled look” altogether. Is this just a trend or is it here to stay?
Let’s Start With The Basics: What Is Botox?

Botox is a neuromodulator that blocks specific chemical signals from nerves that tell your muscles to contract. When it enters muscles in the face, the muscles temporarily relax and the appearance of wrinkles reduces. There is minimal downtime from the injection, and treatment is often repeated every few months.

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What Is Botox Usually Used For?

Traditionally, people wait to start using Botox and fillers until they see wrinkles. As you age, your skin becomes thinner and less elastic, forming wrinkles. Depending on genetics, sun exposure, and lifestyle, you may start to experience wrinkles at a younger or older age than others.

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Using Botox For Wrinkle Prevention

One of the newest trends is using Botox before the wrinkles even appear. Instead of starting Botox in their thirties and forties, people begin treatment in their twenties. Starting Botox earlier makes it look like wrinkles are not forming. It is important to note that wrinkles are still forming due to the aging of our skin, though. Botox may delay the appearance of wrinkles in the skin and may make wrinkles less noticeable as we grow older. We see this in clinical practice; however, it has not been specifically studied over decades of time.

If you are a young individual looking to prevent wrinkles, Botox and other fillers can be considered. It’s important to remember that Botox and other treatments require regular touch-ups. A board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist should also give the treatment.

Interested in Botox or other filler treatments? Give our office a call 248-643-7374 and browse our services here.