Why Get Injectable Fillers?

Rachel felt fortunate to have been genetically blessed with Mediterranean skin, with few wrinkles. To maintain it, she was always careful to take care of her skin by keeping her face out of the sun, wearing a hat and applying SPF 35 when playing tennis.

But, like many men and women in their late 40s and early 50s, she noticed a common, middle age phenomenon emerging: sagging. During this stage of life, it’s normal to experience the natural dissolving of subcutaneous fat in the face, which can cause jowls to sag, “marionette” lines appear around the mouth and nasolabial folds to become more prominent. Rachel was noticing these changes and was ready to explore her options for looking younger.

As a professional businesswoman, it was important for Rachel to look her best. She decided to give Juvederm® a try. Juvederm® is an injectable filler that reduces the effects of lines and folds while restoring smoothness and a slight fullness to the face.

“I’m not one to get a facelift- I don’t personally want to go under the knife,” Rachel said. “I liked the Juvederm® option because it’s non-surgical and it hurts very minimally- just for a second. Plus, the bruising side effects are so minimal, I was able to go straight to a meeting after my appointment. As a working woman, the lack of downtime is a great benefit.”

Juvederm® is composed of hyaluronic acids, which occur naturally in the body. The smoothing and filling results can last anywhere from nine months to a year.

A year later, Rachel noticed the start of a sunken look under her eyes and the beginning of a tear trough depression. Dr. Fishman recommended Voluma®, the first and only FDA-approved injectable gel to instantly add volume to your cheek area. Voluma® fills in depressions which can also lift the jawline, and for Rachel, the results were astounding.

“In the ‘after’ picture that was taken of me, I looked just like I did 15 years ago,” she said. The Voluma® results are expected to last for two years.

Rachel has been so thrilled with her experience at our practice, she continues to return for services and skin care product line purchases.

“At Dr. Fishman’s office, the professionals are very careful to balance the harmony of the face and the body with patient’s expectations,” Rachel said. “People tell me all the time that I look great and younger than my age.”

Rachel believes that expertise is one of the most important things to consider when selecting an injectable filler provider. She encourages patients to ensure that the nurses and doctors conducting the procedure are trained and overseen by board-certified plastic surgeons, specifically doctors who are experts in the face.

Today, Rachel looks younger than she is and finds it to be very helping in the workplace. She plans to continue receiving dermal fillers from Dr. Fishman.

“I felt good about myself before, but now I feel even better,” Rachel said.

For more information about the dermal filler options available at our office, give us a call at (248) 643-7374. You may also consider requesting a consultation online.

Please feel free to browse our website to learn more about the dermal fillers available at our office.