The Buzz About Botox®

Botox® procedures continue to rise in popularity, with 7,056,255 total procedures being conducted in 2016—a 4% increase from 2015, according to the 2016 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report. With this continuing boost in popularity comes an influx of interest and patient inquiries. Though Botox® is a minimally invasive procedure, getting it done is still a big decision, with a lot of factors to consider. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions patients have about our Botox® procedures.

What is Botox®?

Botox® Cosmetic, also called botulinum toxin type A, is an injectable prescription medicine that is used to relax the muscles in the face that cause wrinkles.

Why would I want Botox®?

Botox® Cosmetic is a simple procedure that is proven to temporarily reduce or eliminate:

Frown lines in between the brows
Forehead creases
Crow’s feet near the eyes
Wrinkles on the sides of the nose
Thick bands in the neck
How does Botox® work?

Botox® injections block the nerve impulses, temporarily paralyzing the muscles that cause wrinkles while giving the skin a smoother, more refreshed appearance. It is measured in “units” and administered through tiny needles that inject the medicine into the facial muscles.

How quickly will I see results?

It will take approximately three to seven days for the drug to take effect, and will reach its full potential in about two weeks.

How long do the results last?

Botox® results typically last from three to six months. Depending on the area of treatment, patients can receive injections about every three to four months.

Am I a good candidate for this treatment?

Botox® is available to men and women over the age of 18 who would like to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on their face. While Botox® can be beneficial at any age (it is an excellent proactive treatment to combat fine lines in your 20s and 30s), it is most popular among people aged 40-65, as this is when changes in skin tend to accelerate.

How do I know if the wellness center I’ve selected is a trustworthy Botox® provider?

All Botox® treatments should be administered by a by a board-certified medical or plastic surgeon, or by a registered nurse who is specially trained in the procedure and supervised by a board-certified surgeon. Another trick to identifying a trustworthy Botox® administrator is to look at how they talk about their product offering—a knowledgeable provider will charge by “unit” rather than by “area” because every patient is different and requires a personalized dosage for each area treated.

Have additional questions about Botox®? Contact the experts at Dr. Jefrey Fishman today to learn more about Botox® and other minimally invasive cosmetic procedures that we offer. Give us a call at 248.643.7374!